

Kathrin Stumreich

Exhibition opens on:
Friday the 3th June  – 19h
Wattgasse 16/6, 1160 wien

(Wichtig! Eltern und Halter haften für ihre Kinder und Tiere)


Kathrin Stumreich, lives in Vienna, A
Interdisciplinary artist, lecturer at Univ. of Applied Arts Vienna
Graduated at College for Fashion and Design Michelbeuern, Vienna, A
Studies at Royal Academy for Fine Arts, Fashion Department, Antwerp, BE
Studies at University Vienna Departments Philosophy and Ethnology, Vienna A
Graduated at Academy for Physiotherapy, Innsbruck, A
Graduated with high honours at University of Applied Arts Vienna, Digital Arts, A

Würdigungspreis der Stadt Wien Diplome Angewandte , Wien, A
Nomination European Sound Art Award (Glaskasten Marl), 2014, DE
Outstanding Artist Award des BKA (Prämie gemeinsam mit Conny Zenk) für Frauenkultur 2013, A

Exhibitions, Participations upcoming:
2016 Performance, paraflows, Vienna, AT
2016 lottozero, Exhib.& Performance, Prato, IT
2016 Transarts Bozen, lottozero, Exhib.& Performance, Bozen, IT
2016 ADA (, Vienna, A
