ada is … Andrew Mezvinsky and Barbara Hainz curated by Birgit Knoechl


MEMENTOS – Barbara Hainz

Schicht über Schicht geformte Ebenen – dick und dünn, warm dann hart,
weich dann kalt – machen das Erlebte unzugänglich.

Ungewiss auf was man stößt – muss man kratzen und graben.
Was gerät wieder an die Oberfläche, wird erneut anfassbar aus der unfassbaren Menge des Archivs?

The work is about creating objects out of wax that are made by a casting technique using
different sizes of models. The wax objects include photographs, that are worked in the
different layers of wax. After the wax is dried and hard some photographic surfaces will be
shown by scratching or puncturing out the wax that is covering them. This way some of the
images stay accessible, whereas the existence of others is only vaguely visible.
The use of the material of wax is closely linked to the theoretical engagement with the topic
of memory. Already the old Greek philosophers like Plato as well as the psychoanalytic
approaches drew links between memory production, subconscious processing mechanisms
and the material of wax. When wax is still warm and soft it provides a surface (in form of a
tablet) for experiences to be graved in. Some of these experiences, that leave more impact,
get engraved deep and will always leave traces, whereas others will get smeared and
disappear again.

Birgit Knoechl

Die Intention der Arbeit von Birgit Knoechl ruht auf ihrer Faszination der Erforschung des erweiterten Begriffs der Zeichnung im Kontext zu spatialen Fragen sowie der Visualisierung von organischen und anorganischen Wachstumsvorgängen. Sie schneidet aus Papier und Gummimatten zweidimensionale Cut_outs und re-sampled diese unter anderem zu dreidimensionale Objekte. Es entstehen vielschichtige Liniengefüge – ein hybridartiges Gebilde, das sich immer weiter auszudehnen scheint.

Auf diese Weise gelingt es der Künstlerin, die Flächigkeit der Zeichnung zu verlassen und sie in
raumgreifende, modulare Objekte zu überführen.

Birgit Knoechl lebt und arbeitet in Wien studierte Malerei an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien sowie auch an der Glasgow School of Art und am Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. Sie wurde bereits mit mehreren Stipendien und Preisen ausgezeichnet: Sie erhielt unter anderem den BA-CA Kunstpreis, den Theodor Körner Förderungspreis, den Walter Koschatzky Award und den Reznikov Award. Ihre Arbeiten werden in zahlreichen Institutionen und Off-Spaces im In- und Ausland gezeigt zum Beispiel KARST, Plymouth/GB (2015); Horst-Janssen- Museum, Oldenburg/DE (2014); Albertina, Wien/AT (2012); MMKK, Klagenfurt/AT (2011).
Andrew Mezvinsky

Andrew Margolies Mezvinsky was born in 1982 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is currently based
in Vienna, Austria. He uses a large variety of different techniques such as india ink, graphite, oil, pastel, collages and indian dyeing technique and introduces mixed media into his sculptural drawings, paintings and videos. He approaches each piece as a painting but not letting medium or form dictate the final result.

His work has been shown internationally from Russia to India, Slovenia, Great Britain, Austria,
Mongolia and the U.S.A. In 2005 he was represented in a side event at the Biennale di Venezia as a
part of the Art group RGB (Slovenia). In 2007 he contributed a fabrication installation for a satellite fair of the Art Basel in Switzerland. Under his direction, in October 2011, Il Fazzoletto“ a contemporary divertimento/operetta, celebrated its premiere at the Institute of Fine Arts in San Francisco. In 2014 his touring solo show “ A Good Day” debuted at the Jewish Museum Vienna . His art is part of many private and museums collections such as The Hirshhorn Collection in Washington DC, the Brot Kunsthalle in Vienna, Zanabazar Museum in Mongolia and the Jüdisches Museum Vienna as well as the collections of Jim Lambie (UK), Jane Holzer, (USA) Ernst Hilger(Austria), Albert Baker Knoll(USA),Franz West (Austria) and Bernhard and Elizabeth Hainz(Austria).

He has been featured in several publications such as The Harvard Advocate, Eco Magazine Vienna,
Falter, Parnass Magazine and also produced the books “a Good day” , “Nabuccos Hubris”, and “the
adventures of Trauma”.