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Opening Fr 28.1. 17:00-22:00
29.&30.1. nach Vereinbarung
ada – artistic dynamic association
Bitte die aktuellen Covid Richtlinien zu beachten – 2G und Maske
Fleurs d’ennui is an Exhibition of artists Livia Avianus, Susanne Herresthal, Nike Hartmond, Sofia Atanackovic und Veronika Haller. The shown works explore emotional vulnerability and the longing for sincere moments in a time marked by irony and nihilism.
These days reality at times seems more surreal than the jokes we make to bear with it. All bad news can be dragged through the mud until all is funny and nothing matters.
And yet, if we look closely, dark humour never fails to bring out the secret wish for everything to be okay.
The artists accept this dichotomy and let absurdity, irony and darkness coexist with sincerity through sombre, sometimes absurd form and sweet, tender motives.
Thereby they present a form of self-expression that invokes a feeling of comfort in melancholy and possible optimism for the future.